Des Lieux et Des Êtres company
Company presentation
Twenty years’ experience
With twenty years’ experience in designing and presenting concerts and live performances, the Des Lieux et Des Êtres company, based in Seine et Marne, is now developing concert programs based around the voice, exploring different aesthetics and blending repertoire and creations.
Meeting of the Arts
With a particular sensitivity to the meeting of the arts (lyrical singing, theater, concert, opera, video and circus), this company’s vocation is to make live performance accessible to all, mixing scholarly and popular aesthetics, concert and theater in a variety of venues to meet sometimes remote audiences, most often in heritage sites but also on more familiar stages and at festivals.
Creative spirit
In 2004, in a spirit of creativity and a desire to bring artists together, Sophie created the Des Lieux et Des Etres company, of which she is artistic director.
The company is keen to encourage encounters between artists and the public, enabling them to share their experiences by setting up workshops at the request of the host structures. Its aim is to reinvent lines by fostering a relationship with the public in venues dedicated to artistic expression, as well as on other, more unusual stages.
Sophie brings together a collective of talented artists: opera singers, pianists, percussionists, harpists, a circus performer, an accordionist, a choir, a theorbist, a set designer, stage directors, a video artist, etc. An ensemble whose geometry varies according to the project.
Between repertoire and creation
The Des Lieux et Des Êtres company invites you to discover or rediscover a wide repertoire ranging from opera to melody, song and creation, on a journey through cultures.
Our shows and concerts are offered in a simple format or in a staged version, most often with poems read as the main theme of the concert.
Shows presentation
De femmes en femmes
Je suis comme je suis
Le feu & l'eau
Nuit resplendissante
Discovery workshops
Performance history
« De femmes en femmes »
Sephardic melodies duo concert
Sophie Leleu, singing and harp
Antoine Morineau or Marti Ilmar Uibo, percussions
The traditional Sephardic repertoire is a women’s repertoire. It was through women, from mothers to daughters, that these songs were passed on orally down the centuries. These songs speak of their lives, their daily lives, exploring the themes of love, marriage, solitude, etc. Most of them carry within them advice passed on to future generations.
It’s a repertoire that speaks of life, of intimate pain, of love and of the great celebrations that punctuate life, which I wanted to mix with my own compositions.
Festival international de Dinan, Festival des Cultures & Musiques Juives in Carpentras, Festival de Musique Andalouse in Avignon, Festival of Saint-Giles, Mini Festival de Musiques Juives, Festival les Nits D’Eus in Perpignan, Festival La Folia in switzerland, Journées du Patrimoine in Sarlat, Festival Harfentreffen ein Germany, Journées du Patrimoine de Montreuil, Rencontres Musicales in Montreuil, etc…
« Je suis comme je suis »
Trio concert
Lyrical and expressionist cabaret
Sophie Leleu, vocals
David-Huy N’Guyen Phung, piano
Guillaume Vittel, drums
Christel Grévy, lighting and set design
In a black-beaded slit dress, gloved all the way up the arms, Sophie Leleu covers the famous songs of Lotte Kenya and Lili Marleen, subversive and scandalous songs of the ’30s. His life, aspirations and loves are recounted through the words and music of Prévert, Brecht, Weill and Kosma, against the backdrop of the interwar years, the rise of Nazism and Hitler’s accession to power. A program of lyrical songs accompanied by David-Huy Nguyen Phung on piano and Guillaume Vittel on drums, in a Bergmanian scenography by Christel Grévy.
“I’ve always passionately loved this repertoire for its madness, offering the possibility of expressing a wide range of extreme emotions: love, suffering, heartbreak, hope transfiguring the human soul. I wanted to combine the expressionist force of Kurt Weill’s music with the gentle, humanist poetry of Kosma/Prévert’s songs… While Weill speaks to the gut, Prévert sings to the heart.” confides this remarkable young French mezzo, applauded as a soloist last season at the Théâtre du Châtelet in John Adams’ opera Nixon in China, directed by Chen Shi-zheng.
La Terrasse, July 2013
"Fire & Water
Songs by women composers across the ages and aesthetics
Solo concert
Sophie Leleu, vocals and harp
With a baroque aria, a folk song, traditional or learned, sacred or secular, Sophie takes us on an encounter with an unusual repertoire at the crossroads of aesthetics, mixed with poetry sometimes read, whispered or sung, to the rhythms of her own compositions.
In this new program, alone on stage with her harp, Sophie gives us the chance to hear the words of women composers and poets, from the 12th century to the present day: Hildegarde Von Bingen, Joni Mitchell, Barbara Strozzi, Amina Saïd, all contrasts that the power, color and nuance of her voice know how to celebrate.
Words that turn enigmas into oracles, poems or invocations. Through spoken and sung poetry in English, Italian, Spanish and French, Sophie takes us on a sensitive and intimate inner journey, full of joy and melancholy.
"Resplendent Night
Singing / Piano recital
Recital of 19th-century opera arias and melodies
Sophie Leleu, vocals
Félix Ramos, piano
Through this romantic repertoire of fiery German melodies, dreamy French melodies and sublime French and Italian opera arias, we’ll explore the theme of enchantment, where music celebrates the deep bond between human beings and nature, opening a contemplative path to its emotions.
La voix en lumière offers a world where this encounter with grace and beauty teaches us to transcend our pain, touching us straight to the heart.
in concert or staged versions
Discovery workshops
The Des Lieux et Des Êtres company and Sophie Leleu invite you to combine a performance with a voice discovery workshop open to all.

Workshop presentation
Discovering and developing the richness of your voice, both spoken and sung, is a means of resourcing, self-expression and personal affirmation.
In a playful, unprejudiced approach, these workshops aim to reconnect with vocal instinct and body intelligence, with the aim of letting “your” voice express itself freely and naturally.
Sophie offers workshops lasting 1 or 2 hours, depending on your requirements.
The program
- Stretching and body awareness
- Establishing deep breathing
- Laying the voice on the breath
- Explore your vocal potential (range, color, resonance, timbre, musical imagination, expressiveness…) through games, vocal exercises and group improvisations.
His experience
Trainer for eleven years at the Séminaire Saint-Sulpice, the Communauté de Saint-Jean, and the Maison Populaire de Montreuil in vocal technique and public reading. Sophie is invited to coach the choirs at the Histoires de chœurs festival in Saint-Palais sur Mer on the preparation of concerts of lieder and melodies. She leads a musical improvisation workshop at the Présences Compositrices festival at Abbaye de la Celle. Sophie is regularly invited to give masterclasses on harp accompaniment of song at festivals such as the International Celtic Harp Festival in Dinan and the Harfentreffen Festival in Germany.
“Scenography is the art of bringing together different professions and people around a common goal.
from the same idea, the same concept, to create a strong, harmonious work.”

With the collaboration of :
Christel Grévy, Set and lighting designer
After graduating from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris and attending the Beaux Arts de Valence, Christel specialized in theatrical scenography.
Her participation in the Festival d’Avignon for more than 10 years gave her the opportunity to work with prestigious directors such as Antoine Vitez, Mnouchkine, Peter Brook, Jean Pierre Vincent and to participate in lighting creations with lighting designers Alain Poisson, André Diot, Patrice Trottier… and very quickly, she joined the Parisian national stages (Chaillot, Les Amandiers, Odéon…).
Her musical sensibility opens doors to musical shows (opera “Tito” with William Christie and Alain Germain in Strasbourg, local opera “l’Italienne à Alger” with Cie-In-Sense at the Théâtre Mouffetard, “Le Pont des Soupirs” with Les Tréteaux Lyriques at the Espace Cardin in Paris, “Carmen” with Les Music’halles in various theaters in the south of Paris) as well as more intimate shows by storytellers and musicians that she sets in space and light.
Performance history
- May 21, 2004: Château de Ferrières 77: Concert Esprits de l’air with Ensemble l’Oeil ou la Lune? in a program of English music (Purcell/Haendel)
- May 23, 2004: Eglise de Bussy-Saint-Georges 77: Concert Esprits de l’air
- July 11, 2004: Festival des côtes d’or: Esprits de l’air concert
- October 8, 2005: Eglise de Bussy-Saint-Martin 77: Concert 17th-century Italian music with Ensemble L’Oeil ou la Lune? in a program (Monteverdi/Caccini/Strozzi…)
- June 5, 2005: Church of Ferrières en brie 77: Concert Italian music from the 17th century
- October 21, 2006: Church of Villeneuve le comte 77: Concert Chants de L’Est
- October 22, 2006: Serris 77 Cultural Center: Concert Eastern Songs (Tchaikovsky/Brahms)
- January 27, 2007: Centre culturel de Serris 77: Cabaret Songs (Weill/Kosma)
- March 5, 2007: St James’ Church, London: Cabaret Songs
- July 11, 12, 13, 2007: Place du Pérou, Sarlat-la-Canéda: Cabaret Songs
- October 23, 2006: Harp Days in Arles: Harp & voice concert
- July 16, 2006: Théâtre des Enfeux in Sarlat: Harp and poetry concert with poet E.Boyer
- June 23, 2007: Church of Villeneuve saint Denis 77: Harp and poetry concert
- July 2007: Churches of Carsac, Domme and Beynac: Concert Chants d’une Amazone (harp and voice)
- July 2009: Dinan International Celtic Harp Festival: Concert Chants d’une Amazone (Songs of an Amazon)
- February 12, 2008: Swann Bar, Paris: Improvised music concert (accordion and vocals)
- February 16, 2008: Eglise de Favières 77: Concert improvised music
- January 2010: Tour of India, 7 concerts in Goa: Concert Chants d’une Amazone (Songs of an Amazon)
- September 11, 2011: Comédie Nation in Paris: Improvised music concert (harp, double bass and voice)
- June 2011: Eglise de Bussy Saint Martin 77: Concert of opera arias Amore e morte
- August 2011: Festival International de Musique du Monde d’Airvault: Concert Chants d’une Amazone
- June 17, 18, 19, 2013: Théâtre Les Rendez-vous d’ailleurs in Paris: Je suis comme je suis show
- July 8 to 28, 2013: Théâtre des Barriques at the Avignon Festival: Je suis comme je suis show
- September 28, 2013: Centre culturel de la Courée à Collégien 77: Je suis comme je suis show
- June 22, 2014: Villeneuve le Comte church 77: Heroes and Heroines concert
- October 20 to 24, 2014 and November 21: Residency and creation at the Ferme de Corsange/Centre Culturel de Bailly-Romainvilliers for the staged concert: Après un rêve with the Quatuor Cosmo
- May 23, 2015: Harp and voice solo concert: A place on Earth at Simeyrols
- May 24, 2015: Harp and voice solo concert: Une place sur la Terre in Sarlat-La-Canéda
- April 9, 2016: Après un rêve concert with the Quatuor Cosmo at the Bussy-Saint-Martin church
- April 23, 2016: Concert Une place sur la Terre at the Prats de Carlux church
- June 11, 2016: Concert ” Echos/Sephardic melodies ” to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the Abbey of Saint-Gilles in the Gard region of France.
- July 26, 2016 at 9pm: Concert ” Une Place sur la Terre ” at the Si bémol gite in Simeyrols
- December 4, 2016 : ” Après un rêve ” duo at the former Saint Vincent abbey, organized by Musique et Patrimoine de Senlis
- December 14, 2016 : concert duo Racines, ” Echos : de Femmes en Femmes ” at the Centre des Réfugiés in Paris, organized by le Petit Bain
- January 22, 2017: Concert Duo Echos: De Femmes en Femmes en l’église de Saint-Honoré d’Eylau in Paris
- July 8, 2017: Concert Echos: De Femmes en Femmes/Mélodies séfarades with Antoine Morineau (harp, vocals, percussion) at La Grosse Mignonne in Montreuil at 8:00 p.m.
- July 11, 2017: Concert Echos: De Femmes en Femmes/Mélodies séfarades with Antoine Morineau (harp, vocals, percussion) Café des psaumes in Paris at 8:00 p.m.
- July 13, 2017: Dinan International Harp Festival with Duo Racines: De Femmes en Femmes
- September 2, 2017: Concert at Château de Fénelon with Duo Racines: De Femmes en Femmes
- October 1, 2017: Mini festival of Jewish music / Concert at the Judeo Alsatian Museum in Struth at 4:00 p.m.
- November 4, 2017: Concert in the church of Castelnaud la Chapelle with Duo Racines / De Femmes en Femmes / Mélodies séfarades
- May 20, 2018: Festival des Murs à pêches de Montreuil / Duo Racines concert
- May 27, 2018: Festival Rares Talents in Montreuil / Sophie Leleu harp solo concert
- August 12, 2018: Festival Nits D’Eus / Concert Duo Racines
- September 15, 2018: Heritage Days in Sarlat la Canéda Cathedral / Sarlat cultural center / in duo with Sophie Leleu (harp and vocals) and Marco Horvat (Theorbo, lute, lirone, baroque guitar) / Program Italian music XVII th century.
- En-Vie ” residency: May 23-27, 2019: Maison Jacques Copeau / Pernand Vergelesses
- Residency show creation ” En-Vie “: from July 1 to 7, 2019 : Pressoir de Saumur
- Residency show creation ” En-Vie “: from July 9th to 12th 2019 : Centre Culturel du Sarlat La Canéda
- Residency show creation ” En-Vie “: August 19-23, 2019: Espace Périphérique de la Villette/ Paris
- Residency show creation ” En-Vie “:September 3 to 5, 2019 : Plus Petit Cirque du Monde / Bagneux
- September 2 and 6, 2019: Impromptus at Chatenay Malabry and Malakoff high schools organized by the PPCM
- Residency show creation ” En-Vie “:January 6-11, 2020 : Ferme du Buisson
- February 23, 2020: Lyric recital ” Ma Lyre immortelle ” by Sophie Leleu and Masumi Fukaya at Le Buisson de Cadouin
- March 14 and 15, 2020: Show ” En-Vie ” (work in progress) Les Femmes Sauvages at la Ferme du Buisson CANCELLED
- July 12, 2020: Solo concert: Une place sur La Terre / festival Mélodies sur Arzon / Eglise de Craponne at 5:00 p.m.
- November 21, 2021: Concert Duo Racines: De Femmes en Femmes / Musicales de Montreuil / Eglise de Montreuil sous Bois at 5:00 p.m.
- March 20, 2022: Concert ” De Femmes en Femmes ” at the Avignon Andalusian Music Festival
- July 14, 2022: Dinan International Harp Festival: Concert ” De Femmes en Femmes
- August 8, 2022: Carpentras Jewish Music Festival: concert ” De Femmes en Femmes ” at the synagogue.
- September 3, 2022: Concert ” De Femmes en Femmes ” in the church of Gourdon in the Lot department with Antoine Morineau
- September 23, 2022: Concert ” Chemins secrets “, Laughing wolves quartet at Chapiteau de la Fontaine au Images in Clichy sous Bois, Maad In 93 festival
- May 14, 2023: Concert ” De Femmes en Femmes ” in Domme church with Antoine Morineau
- July 8, 2023: Concert Le feu & l’eau at the Sarlat la Canéda Cultural Center
- September 22, 23: Concert ” Le feu & l’eau ” at the Journées du Matrimoine in Montreuil
- October 7th 23 : Concert ” Le feu & l’eau ” in the church of Bussy Saint Martin
- October 27, 23: Concert ” Fire & water ” at the Womex Off in Coruna (Spain)
- April 27 24: Concert “De femmes en femmes” festival Présence Compositrices – Abbaye de la Celle
- June 19 – 22, 24: Masterclass “How to accompany your singing on the harp? – Harfentreffen Festival
- June 30, 24: Concert “Fire & Water” Harfentreffen Festival – Kirchen-Freusburg Castle
- December 28, 2024: “De femmes en femmes” concert at Lille’s Cathédrale de la Treille